Unified AI-Powered Business Messaging Platform

All the messaging tools your business will need in the AI era

Messaging is becoming the preferred channel for every person on the planet to discover and engage with businesses.  It’s the most used function on the phone and the most efficient way for you to interact with customers and clients. If you could order pizza from your favorite restaurant by texting a chatbot who already knows what you like, you wouldn’t download an app, go to the website or ever pick up the phone.  This is where business messaging is moving and within the next year, the most tech-forward businesses in every industry will use this to win market share. 

Combining messaging with AI that can replicate how a person chats with customers and clients is a major step toward managing and automating your business’s communication needs.  Add on top internal chat infrastructure, chat apps/interfaces and the AI’s integration with internal software, and you have the complete tech stack needed to completely automate every technical aspect of your business.  We’ve built and can provide all these tools, saving businesses years of development.   


It starts with a customized AI chatbot that acts as the front desk for your business.  Our process utilizes the same generative AI technology that powers ChatGPT, but allows you to tailors it to your company’s needs by uploading documents and training it on your internal documents.



No need to download an app or use special software.

We provide you a link hosted on our site and code to embed it into your website or as telephone number people can text, making launching a quick and seamless process.

Our chatbots can already introduce your business to customers & prospects, warm up leads, then hand off to a person when needed.  If the communication afterward is captured in your data, the AI can further train itself to automate more and more of the process.


Start Building Your Custom AI Chatbot


What comes after employing your first AI chatbot is turning it into an AI agent capable of doing real-world work, i.e. use software.  With this, any business can start automating their entire technology workflow.  We help businesses start this process of creating AI agents with our custom development option.  There are currently no off-the-shelf technology providers for this because it requires a combination of specialized AI product expertise and iterative in-house experimentation.  

As of mid 2024, communication technology providers and chatbot vendors can only offer chat infrastructure and script-based bots (non-generative AI) as a service.  These are known as UPaaS and CPaaS platforms which are still in their infancy, especially incorporating genAI.  Until generative AI became broadly available in 2023, most companies didn’t have a need to create internal infrastructure around chat as it wasn’t the primary way of communicating with customers and clients.  Even when used, it was largely used for marketing and 1-way communication as standalone services.   

The major required infrastructure pieces are (1) chat interfaces on web and/or Android/iOS chat app, (2) back-end connection to generative AI provider, (3) a vector database for the genAI chat interaction, (4) a regular traditional database for user management/saving conversations, (5) APIs with existing databases and (6) an optional analytics engine and algorithms for tracking behavior and managing usage.  The major required human elements are (7) prompt engineering to develop/tweak the initial behavior of the bot and (8) is continuous training, which is usually done by the business.

With our DIY platform, chatbot creation is packaged neatly into a service we host.  To start building your AI agent, or to build out custom features, contact us to discuss white-labeling, licensing and a full range of custom development options. 


We built a range of AI-integrated messaging tools that can be white-labeled to operate their entire messaging ecosystem.  For example, our mobile app is a feature-rich, customizable RCS/SMS messaging client built for companies that want their own branded AI-powered chat and messaging capabilities. 

BRAND YOUR OWN Messaging App

For telecommunications companies, we can provide you your own native texting apps.  On Android, users (your employees and business clients) could use your app as their default SMS texting app.

Native texting (SMS/MMS/RCS) app replacement on Androids

Platform/app that can be branded & owned/controlled by companies

Our messengers are highly-rated and consumer-tested with ~ 1 million installs

Only market-tested alternative to Google/Samsung Messages

Unique features like AI, B2C, analytics, microtransactions, and targeted ad platform built-in

End-to-end encryption and all modern messaging features